Category Archives: Relationships

Going through the shelves of Bookay Ukay

After that wonderful lunch at Burger Project, the Nerd Herd trooped a few blocks away to check out Bookay-Ukay before heading home. I’ve been meaning to visit this thrift bookstore long ago but, well.. It’s in Quezon City. ‘Nuf said.

It’s a quaint little shop, far from what I pictured. The store was filled with second-hand books, trinkets, charms, and even shirts up for sale. They also sell brand-new books. Personally, I think selling new merchandise defeats the purpose of being an ukay shop. I don’t mind, though. Leave me inside a bookstore and I can get lost for hours. Books are that sacred to me.

Of course, I had a lovely time going from one shelf to another. If you’re planning to check out the place, don’t forget to bring a hand sanitizer. Most of the books are covered by dust and some, mold. Not cool.

Creatively funny artwork lines a portion of the store’s walls. Can also double as a cool backdrop in photos. 😛

Look! Sweet Valley! Ahh, nostalgia overload. Have to remind myself to get the newest book that was out last March. (I have the teaser chapter here.) I also saw a couple of Goosebumps, Nancy Drew, and Animorphs, but Enid Blyton was nowhere to be found. Where art thou, Ms. Blyton?

We were about to leave store  but I was determined to not go home empty-handed. I think the good ones are already either reserved or up for bids at their Multiply page, that’s why. So I ended up getting this local, new book titled The Literary Apprentice 2009. It’s a collection of essays, short stories, and poems by the members of the University of the Philippines Writers Club.

Scored it for 12o bucks. Good read, finished it two days. I’ll definitely come back and get a legit ukay find from Bookay-Ukay.

BOOKAY-UKAY |  55 Maginhawa St., Teacher’s Village, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines |  Facebook | Multiply


Filed under Books, Friends, Happy, Relationships

The Nerd Herd at Burger Project

No offense to those who live in Quezon City but I seriously dread going to that place. The hideous traffic and inaccessibility to most sites make it ten times worse for non-car owners like me. Those and the scorching heat do not make a great combo, I tell you.

However, if the purpose of going to QC involves trying out good food, well.. I’ll have to make an exception–even if it’s as sinful as Burger Project.

Make your own burger here!

Ever since I’ve read about Patty’s post, I was up and raring to drag the boyfriend to this new burger joint. Maginhawa Street was alien to us so it was a good thing Pixie, who knew the the ins and outs of the place, tagged along and shared this little food trip with us.

Can I just say? I’m totally digging Pixie’s robot pendant she got from Forever 21. I kept gushing about it while waiting for our other friend, Kesi, to arrive.

A quick and bumpy tricycle ride from after, we finally reached our destination. We were greeted by the staff, who handed us a clipboard with a checklist to fill out. I like clipboards, by the way. They remind me of  fun college days.

What fun it is to fill this out! You can also name your burger, if you wish. I christened mine, “Bacon Love Burger” because I was too hungry to think of a creative name. 😛

The Bacon Love Burger Essentials

Patty – 1 pc. 100% beef | Bun – Poppyseed | Cheese – Bleu | Premium topping – Bacon | Basic toppings – Lettuce, tomatoes | Sauce – Special BRGR Sauce

Once done, we took our filled-out checklists to the counter..

..And got them burgers within minutes! I was so confident that I would scarf my burger in seconds because I was starving. Didn’t happen. These burgers are huge!

Carlo loved Pino’s iced tea just as much as I did. We got another round when we finished our first glass.

Oh, there are fries, too. Though I suspect they are really potato wedges, judging from the fat cuts. One tray of these is good for two already.

Kesi just successfully hurdled her first semester in law school. I believe she’s just relieved to get out of the house and soak in the exquisite sunshine that’s why she came with us (haha, blog pun!). Good job, Kesi dear! Your crazy little circle here at the office is proud of you.

Can’t wait to try out the rest of Maginhawa with you guys!

BRGR: THE BURGER PROJECT  | 122 Maginhawa St., Teacher’s Village, Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines | Facebook


Filed under Food, Friends, Happy, Relationships